Taking a Risk
It's scary putting yourself out there. This new website, my blog, my art - it's all exposed for anyone to judge – to admire or to scoff at. It is part of me that no one really knows about. In actuality, I have invited very few people into my studio, as it is my sacred space. And very few have seen my personal writing. But by putting this out there, making it public, I have invited you in.
If you were here with me, I'd break out the chocolate and tea and shyly show you what I'm working on. And you, hopefully, would get inspired to get creative too. And that would make it less scary for both of us. Indeed, it would become a journey that we could share together. And, really, that's what it all boils down to anyways, right? We empower, encourage, and edify each other and the journey becomes rich with flavor and color. Join me, won't you?